Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Tipping Point…..

I recently read The Tipping Point by Malcome Gladwell and as many of you might be able to relate it explains how at some point in marketing a product you get enough traction to push you over the top, demand higher prices, and rapidly grow your business.

An example in that comes to mind in my past was a SaaS company that was struggling to get new clients. Their focus was an underserved group in large financial service companies – Fund Administration. Once the company was able to sign 2 of the top 5 companies in the space and additional 10 companies came on board very quickly (actually to quickly). The stress on the organization in brining on so many large clients almost broke the company.

How do we identify the signs of a tipping point so we can be prepared?

How do we get to the tipping point in the first point…..

Let me know about your experiences…


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